Unique massages for unique bodies


Hello! My name is Caleb Carson, and I am the owner of Bluebird Massage, LLC.

I am a Licensed Massage Therapist with 10+ years of experience practicing in Baldwin County, AL.


I believe massage is more than just a luxury that you get to experience once a year. It is incredibly beneficial in many ways and should be included in everyone's lifestyle to help achieve their personal health goals.


I started my own practice to deliver a more personalized experience for my clients. Each and every massage I perform is tailored to your specific needs. I use every modality at my disposal to achieve the best possible experience for you, the client.


Spirituality and mindfulness are very important to me, which I believe belong in a massage therapy session as they focus on the mind, as well as the body. Your mental health is connected to your physical wellbeing. By promoting personal growth, you can help your body heal.


Thank you for your interest in my practice. I look forward to meeting your needs!