Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How long is my actual massage?

A: Your massage will last the full time of your booked session. So if you book a 60-minute massage, your massage will last exactly 60 minutes so that you receive a full length treatment.


Q: What happens if I'm late to my session?

A: Unfortunately, if you are late for your scheduled appointment, I cannot extend your session as I may have other appointments after. Your massage will start whenever we have discussed the intake form and your goals, and it will last until the end of your scheduled appointment. Please do let me know if you expect to be late so that I can prepare for it and try to offer you as much time as possible after your arrival.


Q: How far do I have to undress to get a massage?

A: You may undress as much or as little as you feel comfortable with. You can take everything off, or leave everything on as long as you're comfortable.


Q: I'm pregnant; can I still get a massage?

A: I do offer prenatal massage, just make sure you mention it in your Intake Form.


Q: Can a minor receive a massage?

A: I do provide massage to minors. However, if the minor is 15 and younger I do require their guardian to be present in the room. If they are 16-17 I require a signature from their guardian.


Q: Will my massage fix all of my issues?

A: Massage is extremely beneficial in a variety of ways, however it is not a cure-all. It is usually a combination of small lifestyle changes in conjunction with massage that will make the difference. Of course I will do everything in my power to help your body heal, but that will look different for everyone. Your specific issue may be helped in one session, or it may take many. We will go over all of this during our time together.


Q: What do I do if I feel uncomfortable during our session?

A: If at any point you feel uncomfortable for any reason please let me know right away and we will adjust whatever we need to for you to feel comfortable. And if you feel too uncomfortable to say anything you may stop the session at any point.


Do you have another question?

Please feel free to message me with any questions or concerns - I am always happy to help!